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7 Tips for Financial Advisors Who Want to Get into Video Marketing

7 Tips for Financial Advisors Who Want to get into Video Marketing
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    5 Steps to Successful Video Marketing for Financial Advisors

    In today’s fast-paced digital world, capturing and holding someone’s attention can feel like trying to catch a butterfly in a windstorm. We live in an era where attention spans are shorter than ever, making the task of engaging potential clients a daunting one…

    The world has changed, but some things remain constant. Trust. Connection. Being seen.

    And yet, many financial advisors are missing the most powerful way to bring these elements together—video content.

    Let’s be real: video is almost to the point where it isn’t optional anymore. If you want to stand out in a crowded marketplace, if you want potential clients to see you as their trusted advisor, you need to embrace the power of video. Not tomorrow. Today.

    This is how you can build a marketing strategy that cuts through the noise, boosts your online presence, and reaches your ideal clients right where they are—on social media platforms, in their inboxes, and even in the search results on Google.

    Now, here’s the thing, you don’t need a Hollywood production team. And you certainly don’t need Brad-Pitt-level looks. What you need is a clear process—a plan to harness the magic of video as part of your content and a digital marketing strategy.

    Let’s dive into the 7 tips we’ve compiled so you can make your videos stand out from the digital noise out there.

    #1 Know Your Content and Stick to Short Videos

    Most likely, you already have everything you need to create great videos.

    Whether you’re a seasoned CFP® professional or just starting out as a new financial advisor— you don’t need to search for groundbreaking topics or hire a creative genius to come up with content ideas.

    The gold is already right in front of you.

    It’s in the conversations you have every day. The questions your clients and prospective clients ask—about retirement planning, wealth management, market updates, and the uncertainties of the financial world. These are not just random queries. They’re signals.

    They’re showing you exactly what people need to know and where you can add value. These everyday interactions hold the keys to what your potential clients want to hear from you.

    But here’s the next piece: It’s not just about what you say, but how you say it. You’ve got the content. How do you deliver it in a way that resonates? This is where brevity comes into play. Short is powerful.

    We live in a world where attention spans are constantly under siege. People are bombarded by information, distractions, and endless shiny objects. The more concise you are, the better.

    A two-minute video doesn’t just grab attention—it keeps it. It forces you to distill your expertise into something digestible, and that’s what people are looking for—quick answers, not lengthy lectures.

    And it doesn’t have to be complicated. Think about the conversations you’re already having, whether in client meetings. Those questions you’re getting? That’s your next video. Your goal isn’t to overwhelm or dazzle—it’s to connect. And the truth is, nobody has time for a long, rambling video. If you don’t get to the point, they’ll move on—fast.

    So, your job is simple: get to the point.

    Think of it like this:

    • Every conversation is content: When a client asks, “What should I be doing with my 401(k)?” or “Is the market about to crash?”, that’s not just a conversation—it’s your next video. These moments fuel your content marketing strategy and show you understand their needs.
    • Less is more: In two minutes, you can say a lot. And what you don’t say? That keeps them coming back for more. Think of it like a teaser—just enough to demonstrate value without overwhelming.
    • Outline, don’t memorize: A script is a guide, not a straightjacket. Use a loose outline to stay focused while maintaining a natural, conversational tone. After all, you’re a financial advisor, not a news anchor.
    • Compliance loves short: The shorter the video, the fewer issues with compliance. It’s easier to review, easier to approve, and faster to get in front of your audience—whether through email marketing, your website, or LinkedIn. That’s the beauty of this marketing tool.

    So, here’s the formula: every conversation = potential content.

    Keep it short. Stay focused. Build trust.

    Whether you’re doing a quick lead generation video or delivering some general financial advice, you’re showing your clients—and prospective clients—that you get them, that you have answers, and that they can count on you.

    This is how you go from “just another advisor” to “the advisor I trust with my future.” All in two minutes.

    #2 Look the Part and Craft Your Scene

    Here’s the thing: your target audience isn’t just listening—they’re looking. In the world of video marketing, what they see speaks as loudly as what you say. Every single element in the frame matters. Your background? It’s part of your brand. That bookshelf? It’s not just storage—it’s a narrative. Everything in your frame should enhance your trusted financial advisor identity.

    But it’s not just about looking polished—it’s about looking real. The way you present yourself and your environment should feel authentic, like you’re inviting someone into your world. Because in the world of financial planning and wealth management, people have a lot of emotion invested. They need to know who you are before they trust you with their financial future.

    Here’s the trick—deliberate simplicity with a touch of personality.

    You don’t need to transform your office into the Channel 5 newsroom, but you do need to be intentional.

    Everything in your frame should tell your story, reinforce your brand, and show that you’re the calm, composed, and capable advisor your prospective clients want managing their money.

    Here’s how to do it:

    • Your background tells your story: Your bookshelf? It’s a reflection of who you are. Fill it with books that showcase your expertise in financial services—think retirement planning, tax strategy, entrepreneurship. But don’t stop there. Add a little of you to the mix. Avid golfer? It’s okay to have a few golf-related items on the shelf. Financial advisors are real people too. Family man? Proud mom? Add some smiling photos of your kids or loved ones. Let them see not just the advisor, but the person behind the title.
    • Dress the part, but make it authentic: Whether you’re rocking a suit or a sharp button-up, it should say, “I’m a professional,” but also, “I’m approachable.” Your audience needs to see someone they’d trust with their financial future, but also someone they can relate to.
    • Keep it clean, keep it calm: Clutter is chaos, and chaos erodes trust. Keep your space neat, organized, and free of distractions. If your office feels calm and collected, so will your message.
    • They’re here for you, not the slides: Remember, people want to connect with you, not a PowerPoint. Less is more when it comes to text or visuals. Use them sparingly, only when they add value. The real connection happens when people can see and relate to you, not just the numbers you’re putting onto the screen.

    Here’s the key: everything in your video should serve one purpose—building trust. Your background, your appearance, the books, the knickknacks—they should all tell the story of who you are, both inside and outside the office. Because when prospective clients see not just an advisor but a real person, they’re more likely to trust you with their future.

    #3 Quality is Non-Negotiable

    Here’s the truth about video marketing that every financial advisor needs to understand: your viewers don’t expect Hollywood. They’re not looking for Spielberg-level production. But what they do expect—what they demand, even—is clarity. The video doesn’t have to be perfect, but it does have to be clear.

    You don’t need to invest in the most expensive gear, but you do need to ensure that your audience can both see and hear you without distractions. That’s the baseline. It’s not about wowing people with fancy effects or cutting-edge technology. It’s about showing up in a way that feels professional, approachable, and trustworthy.

    Imagine sitting across from a client in your office. There’s eye contact. There’s clarity. There’s connection. That’s what you’re aiming for in your videos. It’s not about impressing with bells and whistles; it’s about making your audience feel like you’re right there with them—even if you’re miles apart. And in a world of financial services, where trust is the currency, clarity is how you earn it.

    Quality Comparison

    At Bill Good Marketing, we’ve found that a simple camera, like the Logitech StreamCam Pro, shooting in 1080p at 60fps, does the trick. It’s sharp enough to make you look good but simple enough not to overwhelm. Whether you’re shooting market updates, or running a webinar, the goal remains the same: ensure your audience feels like they’re sitting across from you, not watching through a foggy lens.

    You don’t need to be fancy, but you do need to be clear. Viewers should be able to see you as if they’re sitting in the same room.

    Which brings me to framing your video content.

    There are really two methods for framing you may want to use. Most will center themselves in the frame. Be close enough to the camera that you take up at least a third of the screen. You want the video frame to go from your elbows to just over your head. If you have more than one person on the video, using an interview-style video, you want each individual to be on the focal points. Those points can be found if you were to divide the video frame into nine equal squares.

    The corners of your central square are the focal points, as shown below:


    Here’s the bottom line: in video production, your audience doesn’t need perfection. They need connection. And connection only happens when you remove the barriers. When they can see you clearly, when they feel like you’re speaking directly to them, trust happens. And trust is everything in this business.

    So, don’t aim for Hollywood. Aim for clarity. Anything beyond that? It’s just a bonus.

    #4 Light the Path to Connection

    Lighting is where so many financial advisors miss the mark. It’s not just about being seen; it’s about being trusted. Poor lighting doesn’t just cast shadows—it casts doubt. And in the world of video marketing, doubt is the last thing you want.

    Think of it this way: when people meet with you in person, they want to see your face, read your expressions, and feel connected. The same rule applies on video. Your viewers aren’t looking to peer into a dim cave; they want to feel like they’re in the room with you, engaged and welcomed. Lighting is what creates that connection—it’s not just technical, it’s emotional.

    Lighting Comparison

    A simple setup, whether natural light or a quality ring light (12 inches or larger), ensures your face is bright, open, and inviting. Shadows and glares only distract, pulling focus away from your message. In a business built on trust, visibility is non-negotiable. Good lighting makes you approachable, clear, and—most importantly—trustworthy.

    So, light the path to connection. When your audience can see you, they can trust you. And that’s the first step to building a lasting relationship.

    #5 Sound Matters More Than You Think

    If your audience can’t hear you, your message is lost. You could be delivering the best financial advice, but none of it matters if your audio isn’t crystal clear. In a world filled with noise, clarity is what gets you noticed. Your sound quality matters just as much—if not more—than your video.

    At Bill Good Marketing, we’re big fans of the Yeti Blue Microphone.

    It’s our go-to for different types of video content because it delivers exactly what you need: clear, professional sound that doesn’t get lost in the mix.

    Bad audio? That’s an instant turn-off. People won’t stick around to figure out what you’re saying—they’ll just move on.

    So, don’t let your voice get drowned out. Invest in a good microphone like the Yeti Blue. Make it easy for people to hear what you have to say, because if they can’t hear you, you’re just another blip in the digital chaos.

    We judge videos by how well we can hear the speaker. Don’t lose potential new clients because of bad sound. Invest in a microphone that ensures your voice comes through loud and clear. You’re here to help people, but they can’t listen if they can’t understand you.

    #6 Own Your Space

    Distractions aren’t just annoying—they’re deal-breakers. When you’re on camera, every little interruption—whether it’s a phone ringing, a notification pinging, or a knock on the door—derails the moment. And in that split second, the connection is gone.

    Here’s the reality: your environment either supports your message or competes with it. You have to control your space, because if you don’t, it’ll control you. Turn off the distractions. Silence your phone. Close the door. Create an atmosphere where the focus is on one thing and one thing only: your message.

    Own Your Space

    Whether you’re recording promotional videos, market updates, or podcasts, this is your stage. Own it. A calm, distraction-free environment doesn’t just make you look more professional—it allows your audience to fully tune in. And when their attention is all on you, that’s when real engagement happens.

    #7 Keep the Editing Simple

    You’re not here to win an Oscar; you’re here to build trust. In the world of financial advisor video marketing, simple editing is your best friend.

    It’s about making your content clean and professional without getting caught up in flashy effects.

    Trim the fat—cut the unnecessary bits at the start and end, throw in your phone number, logo, and a clear call to action, and you’re good to go.

    The goal isn’t perfection; it’s connection. Your prospective clients don’t need a Hollywood production—they need to feel like they can trust you. Fancy transitions and over-the-top effects? They distract. A well-edited, straightforward video? That’s what builds credibility.

    There are several different types of software out there that could help you edit your videos. For these basic kinds of edits, we recommend Canva online. If you want to get really fancy, then Adobe Premier Pro is what we would recommend.

    How We Help Financial Advisors with All Things Marketing Strategy

    Now, here’s the thing: video isn’t just another tool in the marketing toolbox—it’s the tool that will shape the next generation of financial advisors. Whether you’re using it to boost conversion rates, build relationships, or create webinars that captivate, video content has the unique ability to help you cut through the noise and make you unforgettable.

    At Bill Good Marketing, we’ve spent over 40 years helping financial advisors streamline their marketing efforts, connect with clients, and grow their businesses. If you’re ready to dive into video marketing, our Video Script Library is your secret weapon—custom-crafted types of video content designed specifically for financial advisors like you. It’s the edge you’ve been looking for.

    But that’s just the beginning. We’re not about quick fixes or one-size-fits-all solutions. We’re about building something lasting. Whether you want to get into different types of content, craft different types of videos that truly engage, or design full-scale marketing campaigns that speak directly to your ideal clients, we’ve got the tools to make it happen.

    We help you streamline, simplify, and focus every effort on growing your business and attracting more high-net-worth clients.

    If you’re ready to take your marketing to the next level, Bill Good Marketing is your only choice. We’ve been leaders in this space for decades because we don’t just give you marketing tactics—we give you strategies that work, systems that scale, and results that last.

    So, here’s your challenge: lean in and get started.

    Start using video to amplify your message, connect with your audience, and elevate your entire approach. In the end, it’s not about perfection. It’s about showing up, being real, and making connections that matter.

    Start small. Stay consistent. And before long, you’ll wonder why you didn’t start sooner.

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