A raven, thirsty from the heat, came upon a pitcher which had once been full of water. But when the raven put its beak into the mouth of the pitcher, he found that only very little water was left in it, and that he could not reach far enough down to get at it. He tried, and he tried, but at last had to give up in despair.
Then a thought came to him. He took a pebble and dropped it into the pitcher. Then he took another pebble and dropped it into the pitcher; and another pebble, and another, and another, and another. Over and over he dropped pebbles into the pitcher, till at last, at last, he saw the water mount up near him. After casting in a few more pebbles, he was able to quench his thirst.
Find the right tools, and little by little you will get what you need.
It’s not often that we promote a webinar by opening with one of Aesop’s fables. But there’s a reason we did it this time:
Our guest, John Halterman, is the raven in the story.
You see, John – a financial advisor in Clarksburg, West Virginia – went from scrabbling and scrambling to knowing exactly how many pebbles it takes to bring the water. (Water, in this case, being new assets under management.) Over the past two years, he’s honed, refined, and most of all, simplified the core processes that make up his business. The result?
$2M in new assets each week. Yes, you read that right.
$2M. New assets. Each week.
How does John do this? He has refined his processes in three specific areas for achieving this remarkable growth. By implementing these processes, he knows the odds are that he will bring in roughly $2M in a given week.
In this webinar, John will reveal the science behind the $2M-per-week model, including some of the underlying statistics he knows he must hit. He will show you:
A few years ago, John was buried up to his neck in activity. He hosted some client events, made cold calls, filmed television ads, and paid for digital ones. Every week, every month, his calendar was filled to the brim with activities he hoped would bring in revenue. Sometimes, all that hustle paid off.
Sometimes, it didn’t.
So, John put on his metaphorical overalls, grabbed his proverbial tools, and disassembled his practice to find out what was working and what wasn’t. Which activities were essential… and which were just empty effort. By doing this, he streamlined his business into a smaller number of simpler processes that he knew worked. And he began tracking the specific stats – we call them Key Performance Indicators, or KPIs – that proved whether something was working or not.
By aiming for each successive stat, or indicator, ensures that John is doing what he needs to every day to generate 25 new leads per month and raise $2M in new assets per week.
On this webinar, you will learn:
- The key stats/indicators you should track to determine whether you’re spending time on the right activities… and how to track them
- How to determine the “needed numbers” for your specific business
- How John has simplified what he spends his time on each day so he can focus on…
- His top three activities for bringing in $2M per week!
If you feel you are grinding every day but aren’t getting the results you want…
If you are giving consistent effort but getting inconsistent results…
If you want to know what activities will help you bring in new assets on a regular basis…
Then don’t miss this webinar. You will learn smart, simple processes for building a bigger, better practice.
See you on the call!

John Halterman
Financial Advisor
Beacon Wealth Management

Matt Hicken
Sr. VP of Client Success
Bill Good Marketing
webinar recording