“Recently, three different families have shown me 3-ring binders filled with all the letters I have sent them. They love them! Dripping on my clients has helped me go from $300,000 in production to over $2M in nine years. That’s a helluva growth rate!” – Dave S. , New York
If you were to make a list titled “GOOD MARKETING IDEAS”, running a Monthly Drip Campaign to stay in front of your clients and prospects would be near the top of the list. This means sending at least one message every month on a subject your clients and prospects are truly interested in.
Why is drip marketing so powerful? Simple. Because it leads to:
- More client assets
- More client loyalty
- More referrals
- More prospect appointments
“I’ve been dripping on my clients and prospects for years. Recently, I sent out several messages about the election. Several clients passed those letters around, and the result is about $4 million in new assets from referrals from those letters. These new clients came in because their advisors are not sending that type of information.” – Steve H. , Virginia
Yes, the Monthly Drip is an unbeatable marketing tool. BUT THERE’S A PROBLEM. If you’re thinking you can just throw a letter or email to your clients every month, I have one word to say to you:
Drip marketing can do wonders for your growth…IF YOU HAVE THE RIGHT MESSAGING STRATEGY.
To put it simply, your messaging strategy must be:
- Planned
- Targeted
- Themed
- Coordinated
- Purposeful
If you don’t understand what any of these mean, how they relate to your drip marketing, or whether you’re doing them or not, then drop what you’re doing and register for our next webinar. You will learn how to do drip marketing the good way – by adopting a messaging strategy that leads to more assets, more referrals…more everything! It’s simple, easy, and most of all, it works!
- Drip topics and ideas the TOP ADVISORS IN THE INDUSTRY are
using right now to engage their clients, wow their prospects, and grow their business. - How to create a targeted message plan that gets your emails opened, your letters read, and your calendar full of appointments.
- How to leverage themes – like specific holidays, important events, and services you offer – to get clients and prospects to feel warmth and appreciation for you.
- Modern ways to coordinate your drip marketing with social media so you can reach more people than ever before.
- The most common messaging mistakes advisors make, and how to avoid them.
- And much more!
For this webinar, I’ve asked someone very special to host. His name is Matt Hicken. He’s a Senior Vice President at Bill Good Marketing, but more importantly, he’s an absolute expert at crafting a successful messaging strategy.
Why? Because he’s done it more times than I can count!
For years, Matt worked with a financial advisor in North Carolina named Rob. Thanks to Matt’s help, Rob completely overhauled his messaging strategy. This was a major reason why Rob and Matt were able to double their business three different times over the course of a decade. In fact, when Matt came back to Utah for family reasons, and came to work with us here at Bill Good Marketing, their practice had grown to over $550M in AUM!
So, who better to teach you how to get more assets, referrals, and appointments with your messaging strategy than the man who has done it as well as anyone?
You should attend if:
- You have not been doing drip marketing but, know that you need to start.
- You are doing drip marketing but, have not found much recent success.
- You haven’t spent much time planning out your messaging strategy, and are just sort of winging it.
- You find yourself staring at empty spaces on your calendar, wishing you had more clients and hot prospects to fill it with.
Finally, you should definitely attend if 2020 was a flat or down year for you, and you want to make 2021 your best year ever. Because your messaging strategy will be absolutely critical to making that happen.

Matt Hicken
Sr. VP of Client Success
Bill Good Marketing
webinar recording