Over the years, we have coached at least 5,000 teams, and the one thing we have hardly touched upon are the legal requirements and ramifications of Team Management – otherwise known with dread as “Human Resources.”
More than one of our clients have struggled with this aspect of practice management. As one client recently told us:
“There are business coaches and marketing coaches, yet no one coaches on the key areas that take the energy out of an advisor like personnel problems.”
That is exactly what we address in this webinar.
In the independent space, many Advisors aren’t educated in the legal pitfalls that can put a practice at risk.
HR can quickly become a slippery slope for any Advisor managing a team. Aside from legal complications, team management also means PTO policies, employee manuals, overtime rules, family leave – where mistakes can be costly, and in some cases can even put an Advisor out of business.
To determine if you are making any of these mistakes, ask yourself the following questions:
• How long are you required to keep an I-9 on file?
• What about payroll files? How long do you keep these?
• When are you required to pay overtime?
• What is the difference between a Privacy folder and a Personnel folder?
• How do you keep employee information secure?
• How do you conduct a proper HR investigation?
• What is Title VII and what classes are protected by it?
• Your employee got COVID from the workplace. Are you responsible for their Worker’s Comp?
If you don’t know these answers cold, then your practice IS at risk.
In this webinar, Todd Anderson of Platinum HR, outlines the most common HR mistakes you can make, and more importantly how to avoid them.
Todd is Founder and President of Platinum HR a full-service HR Consulting firm, and one of our Strategic Partners. With more than 35 years of experience in HR, Todd is an expert at helping professionals build their human resource department on a foundation of best practices.
In this webinar you will learn:
- Dangerous mistakes and pitfalls of HR if not handled properly
- Correct classification of exempt vs. non-exempt
- The various leaves of absence and how to manage them
- COVID in the workplace
- The proper ways to handle an ADA case
- How to conduct an HR investigation
You got into this business to be an Advisor.
We can help you navigate those personnel pieces to do just that.

Todd Anderson
Platinum HR

Jenny Widmaier
Sr. VP of Administration
Bill Good Marketing
webinar recording